- Innovation is NOT OFTEN LOVED
- Innovation requires CHANGE
- Innovation activates organizational RESISTANCE
- Innovation often gets you LAUGHED AT
- Innovations FAIL A LOT
Because when it works it’s worth all the pain and suffering
Last weekend Eureka! Ranch sister company, Brain Brew Custom Whiskey did a “soft” release of Dexter – our new Luxury Straight Bourbon – to our fans. The goal with it was to create “The Best Spirit In the World.” We have more to do – but are well on our way with Dexter being named one of the 12 best bourbons in the world by Ultimate Spirits 2020.
The response this past weekend was crazy – we sold 41 bottles in 90 minutes – and that was just the start of the biggest sales weekend in our history.
The joy of sitting and sipping it with a couple of fans on the back porch of the Eureka! Ranch Saturday afternoon – made the 223 R&D Failures that got us here worth all the effort!
So what are you waiting for?
Get Up – Get Out – Do Something Great!