Breakthroughs in Business Models

For decades we’ve helped companies create new innovations for products, services, and systems. In most cases, those new inventions required more than just a new widget, device, or marketing slogan to make them possible. They required an entirely new business model....

3 Ways to LEAD Your Leader

Every now and again I get the privilege to sit with some great leaders. Some I simply observe – to see what they do and what their followers do in return. But on the rare occasion, I’ve been lucky enough to get them to slow down – to reveal the running...

Get the “Close to the Work” ReEnergizer

Most everyone wants to be a leader.  Over the course of your career, you’re groomed and goaded to “get to the top.” Because when you get there, you get to do the real stuff. You get to direct, not do.  To make all the best decisions that the yutzes...

Innovation is Often About Things You DON’T Do

Leading innovation is about choices. The big choice to do innovation could almost be considered the easy one. Innovation is shown to make a meaningful impact on a bottom line, to a company’s return, to employee pocketbooks, and morale.  Doing the new thing isn’t...