Eureka! Ranch Blog
Take a Minute to Think About 2,000 Tomorrow’s from Now
For years I’ve run projects for large companies, small companies and all in between. And for many of those years our company used a “gimme the ball” approach to creating ideas. And with each session we focused first and foremost on the objective for the session, to make sure we got the company what they needed. The objective setting conversation went something like this…
Get the “Close to the Work” ReEnergizer
Most everyone want to be the leader. Over the course of your career you’re groomed and goaded to “get to the top.” Because when you get there, you get to do the real stuff. You get to direct, not do. To make all the best decisions that the yutzes before you missed.
Innovation is Often About Things You DON’T Do
Leading Innovation is about choices. The big choice to do innovation could almost be considered the easy one. Innovation is shown to make a meaningful impact to a bottom line, to a company’s return, to employee pocket books and morale. Doing the new thing isn’t necessarily hard, it’s NOT doing other things that forces you to make choices that’s hard.
Innovation Pain, Suffering, and Sometimes Joy!
Innovation is NOT OFTEN LOVED
Innovation requires CHANGE
Innovation activates organizational RESISTANCE
3 Finger Lakes’ Wineries Tell an Innovation Story
3 Finger Lakes’ wineries tell the story of innovation from a crazy innovator to a brand that over the years has lost its soul.
For REALLY BIG IDEAS – Separate Inspiration from Perspiration
Recently I took a journey through 50+ years of innovations that I’ve worked on. From this I’ve come to the conclusion that to invent REALLY BIG IDEAS – you MUST separate idea generation from reality.
Need a Big Idea? Think Like an Old Person
Epstein’s research got me thinking about how I’m approaching the creation of Brain Brew Custom WHISKeY and Franchising at age 62 versus when I founded Eureka! Ranch & AcuPOLL at ages 25 and 30.
Yes! You Can Run an Innovation Session While Working Remotely.
A big question we hear a lot is, "Is it possible to hold an innovation session when we are all working remotely and we can not be together in person?" And the answer is YES and it is possible for it to be very successful. Check out this amazing story from our friend...
2020 VS. 1986
2020 has me thinking on how things have changed in the 34 years since I founded the Eureka! Ranch.
In 1986 Consumer Products were the thought leaders of innovation and the focus was on creating line extensions, category segmentations and gurus.
In 2020 the thought leaders are more varied with industrial, medical, CBD/THC, services, internet, artificial intelligence, and banking all focused on innovation.