Helping Established Companies Innovate

We specialize in SYSTEMIC INNOVATION because we believe your business is too important to leave innovation to chance.
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We believe everyone needs to innovate. Whether that means accelerating incremental innovation with less risk or creating radical ideas that disrupt industries, we have validated programs that work for established companies.


Start with Workshops, Projects, or Training

Leadership Workshops

Create realistic strategies that allow your company to be proactively leading your industry rather than reactively following. We work with leadership to create strategies with clear missions and boundaries.

Then create a system for activating projects that fit leaderships’ strategy and quit wasting time on projects that don’t have enough impact.

Special Projects

Every company has special projects that don’t quite fit within its core operations.

We accelerate and reinvent these projects to guarantee that they make a real return for the company.

#1 Applied Innovation Training

Stimulate creativity, innovation, and culture change with a hands-on learning experience.

Your team doesn’t have any time to spare. That is why our training has each student apply what they are learning to their organization’s current challenges. This way no time is wasted and the organization gets tangible ROI on training.

free audiobook & advice

Answer 5 questions to get the full Driving Eureka! audiobook along with advice from one of our experts on ways to address your innovation hurdles.

When you partner with us…

  • You’re leading your industry, not following, reacting, or fire fighting
  • Your offerings are so innovative customers are Willing to Pay More for them.
  • Your teams generate 8x more big ideas when they problem-solve.
  • You painlessly create both incremental Core Ideas & Disruptive Leaps
  • Your culture has Alignment on innovation strategy & across departments
  • Your staff makes data-based decisions all the time.
  • No internal debate lasts longer than 10 minutes
  • You implement up to 5 ideas per employee per year
  • You double the number of provisional patents you file.
  • You can take ideas to market 6x faster
  • You de-risk by 30-80% the big bet innovation before you invest
  • Employee engagement and meaningful work measures increase


Success Stories, Case Studies and Client Testimonials

Most of our work is of the strictest confidence.  We work in innovation after all and the results of our work are not just Intellectual Property, but often filed as provisional patents.  So while it means we can't brag about everything we get to do, it does mean we get to work on some pretty incredible "super top secret" things.

Eureka! Inventing Success Story

Reinventing How Ideas are Invented
Samsung’s Innovation Success Story

Innovation Event

Case Studies

From helping a non-profit create ideas for new products and services worth 2x their current revenue to creating a system and culture of innovation for a global spirits company, growing profits 1,200% over 10 years.
Read Our Case Studies

Innovation Event

Client Testimonials

We have been helping companies innovate for 35 years.
Hear from our past and current clients about their experience working with the Eureka Team.

About Us

New Workshop for Front End Innovation Increases Success Rates by 250%

If you want your employees to bring you better ideas and opportunities, you need to be clear on what you’re looking for and how you want it presented.

Our Front End Innovation Leadership Workshop helps you craft specific requests for ideas and templates for Business Opportunity Recommendations.

When opportunities are presented to you in a standardized report that you designed, business decisions become stress-free and everyone is more confident that the right opportunities are moving forward to development.