Strategy Activation Workshops

translate your strategy into motivating missions that create alignment, excitement, and action.

Strategy is fundamental to business success.

However, something is broken.


Research indicates that only 11% of executives are happy with the outcome of their strategic planning process. The missing link? Translating the strategic intent into actionable project missions. 

Strategy Activation Workshops translate your vision and strategy – formal or informal – into motivating and actionable missions that can be activated by your team with increased speed and decreased risk.

Are you frustrated that your strategy is not getting traction?

Gain Leadership Alignment

Excite & Motivate Staff to Act

BONUS! Leadership Team Building

Work With Innovative Experts



You need a focused and clear strategy for your company, division, or team.

You need to incorporate and align multiple people and perspectives into the strategy.

You need to mobilize your organization to make the strategy a reality to meet your company’s overall goals.

Your leadership team is looking for a team building experience with clear ROI.

You’re looking for experienced facilitators using an innovative and proven process to lead the effort.


Leaders at all levels across your organization – from first-level manager to President to Chairman of the Board – explore possible strategies in ~45 minute rounds.

Our expert facilitators introduce thought-provoking stimulus and break your leaders into pairs and small groups to leverage diversity.

First-round strategies are documented and top strategies are refined, presented, and discussed.

This proven process results in alignment on top strategies and how to communicate them to motivate employees who make them real.


Our clients tell us some of the most significant benefits of Strategy Activation include leadership team building and the perspective gained on what’s important to other leaders and to employees at all levels. 

Board and executive meetings run more smoothly because everyone understands what the company is working on and why. 

First-level managers effectively communicate strategies to front-line employees, including why they are important and why employees should care.

Employees are motivated to take action, and goals are reached.


LET’S TALK :: (513) 618-4874 or


Our Strategy Activation Workshops can vary in scope, location, and duration depending on your needs and constraints. Just answer 6 questions and we’ll send you one or two options for your leadership team to consider.


The methodologies applied in Strategy Activation and Eureka! Inventing sessions, whether online or in person, use the best practices of System Driven Innovation as detailed in our founder Doug Hall’s recent book, Driving Eureka!  Our marketplace-proven methods have been developed while working projects for Nike, Walt Disney, Procter & Gamble, Tyson, Walmart, Humana, GSK, Hewlett Packard, Schlumberger, and 100s more. The team of Eureka! professionals has activated strategies and invented and tested more innovations than any company. This combination of best practices and seasoned experts jump starts innovation momentum generating fast ROI.


1. Unleashing Your Ability to Get Big Ideas. 

We have found that truly original ideas come from smart minds, properly stimulated to be bold, brave, and creative. Therefore, all of our Eureka! Inventing projects start with development of a clear strategic mission and use of overwhelming amounts of mind-opening stimulus presented by expert facilitators and innovators who bring diversity of thought to the project. The stimulus comes from deep mining of consumer-based insights and also technologies, academic wisdom, patents, competition, proactive insights, and future trends to ignite new to the world ideas. To maximize the creative abilities of your team, we measure their thinking styles and mindset towards innovation prior to each session. Then, we will customize your innovation experience to maximize effectiveness. For example, if they are logical “left brain” thinkers we will complement them with bold “right brain” thinkers and exercises that leverage the assets of both.

2.  Been There.  Done That.

Eureka! Ranch has been named America’s top innovation team by the Wall Street Journal, Inc. Magazine, CBC, and CIO. A couple of examples… Recently, we invented and licensed a Time Compression whiskey/bourbon aging system that makes world-class whiskey in 40 minutes. The technology has been licensed to the Macallan Distillery of Scotland and been validated as beating Pappy VanWinkle 2 to 1 in blind taste tests. The entire business was initially motivated by activating a strategy to create new brands and products for millennials, a new customer segment. Good news in these times of remote working… Our collaborative Strategy Activation Workshops have been successfully conducted online for years, and our online Eureka! Inventing sessions get even better output than in-person sessions, with 90% of the ideas rated over the “GO” standard and 60% over the “WOW” standard in statistically-validated consumer testing. 

3. Industrial Strength Systems & Tools

In our 35+ years of experience, we’ve learned that the key to breakthrough innovation success is having systems and tools that are designed for that very purpose. Our industrial-strength tools for strategy, creativity, communication, and accelerated development help you create bold strategic missions and invent transformational innovation that you can ship. We use them to generate novel ideas, get qualitative or quantitative customer feedback to identify problem statements and concept winners, test business model feasibility, generate sales forecasts, and more. And we’ve designed them for use in real time. This intense speed means the ideas developed during an Inventing session can be tested through multiple rounds of quantitative testing. (Insider’s secret: This fast testing also helps us get the team to create bolder ideas and make data-driven decisions.)


(513) 618-4874

proud to partner,
again & again

All of our Eureka! Inventing projects begin with the strategy activation process we use in our Strategy Activation Workshops, which is integral to innovation success. We believe the hallmark of good work is repeats.  Below are just a few of 100s of companies that we’ve worked with multiple times.