
Thanks for submitting.  Here’s all the good stuff – LISTEN, SKIM, CHAT & CONNECT.


One-Hour Abridged Audio 

Doug Hall’s new book, Driving Eureka!, teaches you problem-solving with Data-Driven methods and the Innovation Engineering System.  It’s also the cornerstone methodology that helps us find, filter and fast track Big Ideas for any challenge.

Driving Eureka!

by Doug Hall | One-Hour Abridged Audio

02:: SKIM

"De-Risking Innovation" Speech Slides

In today’s world, “innovation” is table-stakes for every industry and every organization. But by its very nature innovation creates uncertainty, fear and risk.  So how do you institutionalize innovation when 72% of the workforce is inherently risk-averse?

We discussed:

  • Simple framing phrases that can help you replace innovation frustration with focus
  • Lessons from 3rd grade science class that are the keys to innovation confidence
  • How to assess, in minutes, if you have an innovative idea worth pursuing
  • Rules of thumb for managing and valuing an innovation portfolio 

03:: CHAT

Set up an Exploratory Call

Sometimes the idea of creating or improving the culture of innovation in your organization can feel daunting.  Good thing you have a new connection (that’s us!) that know’s a whole heck-of-alot about how to do it.  (And, just as importantly, what NOT to do.)

We’d be thrilled to chat with you about where you are and what you can do to get everyone in your company thinking smarter, faster and more innovatively!



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We’d love to connect with you.  And we’d like to think we post some pretty valuable content too – always related to advancing innovating thinking.  (Ok, and maybe a little bit about whiskey 🙂

    Connect with CEO,  Maggie Nichols:

    Connect with Founder, Doug Hall

    Connect with Eureka! Ranch