Big Ideas for Big Challenges
Eureka! Results
Validated System
A proven system for over 35 years
Radical Invention
Stretching teams to places they couldn’t get to on their own
Guaranteed Success
We don’t stop inventing until we have an abundance of possibilities.
Meeting Options
Online vs In-Person
In-person events benefit from removing people from their normal environments to give new perspectives and spark creativity.
Depending on your team, finding time to take a break from the normal work and create ideas for 2 days could be a challenge. But giving your team more time together is great for culture building, especially between departments that will need to collaborate when commercializing the ideas.
Online Eureka! Events are just as effective as their in-person counterpart. The big difference is that we’ll want to split it up into a few smaller events. While online is more efficient. it is also more fatiguing. Breaking 2 days worth of work in to 3 hour events can make scheduling easier as well.
The biggest advantage to online events is being able to include more people from your team and increase the diversity of the team.
We recommend online events whenever there is a safety concern or it makes more sense logistically.
Managing the Results
Idea Compiler

After each round of inventing everyone enters 1 or more ideas into the idea compiler. With teams of 10 to 20 people, we will exceed 100 ideas after the first day or 5 rounds of inventing.
Instantly the team will start to see each other’s ideas and be able to react or comment. Typically ideas with more reactions and comments tend to be the more unique opportunities.
Ideas often will overlap and are merged to spark additional ideas or opportunities. People will partner up based on what opportunity areas most excite them.
At the end of the day, we pick a subset to test with customers or stakeholders. The survey results help direct the team on how to continue growing their ideas the very next day.
The team leaves the Eureka! event with an organized pipeline of ideas. From there they can learn more and develop ideas on their own or leverage Eureka’s expertise and tools for commercialization.
education and innovation systems
More than ideas
Learn our process and run your own eureka events internally.
We have everything from self-paced learning, online cohorts, in-person training workshops to content that you can pull into your own learning management system (LMS).
Innovation assessments for benchmarking culture, systems and/or ROI.
Get to the root cause of your innovation problems, so you can change how you are innovating to increase your success rates.
Strategy and ideation are just the beginning. Innovation success comes from development and commercialization. We offer tools to manage your entire innovation pipeline and accelerate projects with high risk and uncertainty. Or we can make disruptive innovations a reality with our incubator service.
Maggie Nichols
Eureka! Ranch CEO
Today the Ranch is led by CEO, Maggie Nichols, and a strong cadre of innovators, engineers, educators, and programmers, with founder, Doug Hall, remaining actively engaged as CIO and on special projects.
We help organizations in 3 ways:
1) building their innovation pipeline,
2) improving their innovation process, and
3) training their people to think more innovatively.
3849 Edwards Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45244
(513) 271-9911
Open Hours
Monday – Friday: 9am – 5pm
Holidays: Closed