Eureka! Ranch Blog

Is Innovation a Skill to Be Learned?

Is Innovation a Skill to Be Learned?

If your best friend called you today and asked you to go scale El Capitan tomorrow morning, would you be able to do it?
For most of us, the answer would be an absolute no, as it would truly end in a cliff hanger. 
Most of us are not experts at scaling mountains, and if you have interest in scaling mountains, you likely would start by taking some classes and starting on practice rock-climbing walls before slowly graduating to longer and steeper cliffs.

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Innovation & Employee Engagement: Lessons from a Chief Innovator

Innovation & Employee Engagement: Lessons from a Chief Innovator

 I was recently interviewed by my friend, Justin Zawaly, COO  of TalMetrix about innovation & employee engagement…as Justin states, “One of the outcomes of an engaged culture is innovation. Innovation doesn’t just happen, or at least it cannot be sustained, unless both the employer and employee are thriving. Innovation becomes part of organizations culture and must be measured and monitored like anything else to ensure the creative vision is being nurtured.”

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Top 3 Things that Can Silently Ruin Your Innovation Program

Top 3 Things that Can Silently Ruin Your Innovation Program

We’re running our training program off-site this week and it brings to mind all the small things that seem insignificant but can have a drastic impact on the outcome of the week.  Through trial and error we’ve come up with some solutions  to handle these potential landmines even when we’re off-site.  So here are the top three hidden killers for innovation programs and some potential solutions to them.

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