Newest Release

Proactive Problem Solving: Stop the Stupid and Build a Smarter, More Productive Organization
The way businesses operate is broken. You see it every day—inefficient systems, endless frustrations, and wasted time. Only 32% of employees feel engaged, while managers squander up to three hours a day fixing problems caused by flawed work systems. The result? Frustration, squandered resources, and missed opportunities.
In Proactive Problem Solving, Doug Hall—visionary founder of Eureka! Ranch and Brain Brew Distillery—delivers a bold solution to Stop the Stupid and eliminate what’s not working. His proven approach, developed through decades of innovation leadership, empowers organizations to find and fix problems by engaging everyone from the frontline to the c-suite in the problem-solving process.
Grounded in real-world success, this book draws from Doug’s experience leading over 20,000 innovations at Eureka! Ranch and scaling Brain Brew Distillery from a startup to producing over 100,000 cases of bourbon annually.
Proactive Problem Solving dives deep to unearth proven methods for growth and profitability:
- Defining the Problems and Solutions:Identify what the problem is, then focus on the “why.” Pinpoint the issues that matter, and build communication skills needed to implement effective solutions.
- Creating Solutions:Understand the three principles that increase problem-solving capabilities: exploring stimulus, leveraging diversity and inclusion, and driving out fear. You’ll learn proven techniques for engaging employees, fostering innovation, and turning teams into problem-solving virtuosos.
- Driving out Risk as You Bring Your Idea to Life:Discover Doug’s reliable system for decreasing risk and increasing success. Transform good ideas into game-changing results.
Whether you’re a manager striving to lead more effectively or an employee wanting to make a greater impact, Proactive Problem Solving delivers actionable insights to revolutionize how work gets done. By implementing these methods, your organization can reduce costly mistakes, enhance employee satisfaction, and drive sustainable growth in today’s competitive business environment.

Problem-Solving with Data-Driven Methods and the Innovation Engineering System
Best-selling business author Doug Hall presents the System Driven Innovation scientific method for enabling innovation by everyone, everywhere, every day. It’s the essential resource you need to enable yourself―and your team―to innovate, succeed, and do amazing things that matter, on a daily basis.
A Proven Method For Increasing Creativity 500%
Jump Start Your Brain is a fun, inspiring and insightful how-to look at maximizing your brain’s power and putting productive creativity to work for you.
“Required reading. Hall reveals how you can retrain your brain to think of more creative ideas. The book is funny and packed with anecdotes.” – Entrepreneur Magazine
Truths, Tactics & Techniques For Measurable Success
This book is a DEEP DIVE into the complex world of sales and marketing. It’s for those with a genuine commitment to measurably improving their success rate.
It was originally published in hardcover as Meaningful Marketing. The book won critical acclaim but its “academic style” prevented it from reaching the mass audience of Jump Start Your Business Brain. A comprehensive redesign and rewrite has added caffeinated energy as well as even more meaningful advice and ideas for improving your sales and marketing success rates.
Win More – Lose Less & Make More Money with Your Sales, Marketing & Innovation Efforts
Jump Start Your Business Brain details six principles for measurably improving your marketing and innovation success rates.These principles are the core religion that Doug and his Eureka! Team leverage when working with the big guys-companies like Procter & Gamble, Frito-Lay and Bank of America.
However, the little guys and non-profits can leverage them as well. In fact, the book cites real cases of small business owners who’ve realized a 10 to 50% increase in sales as a result of applying the six principles.
How People Get from Fear to Freedom – and How You can Too
Making the Courage Connection is a look at courage, through an inspiring blend of essays and real-life profiles of people with the gumption to live their lives to the fullest.
“It takes courage to live in our world today. Making the Courage Connection tells, in an interesting and dramatic way, how one can make life worth living by taking control.” – Ruth Stafford Peale, widow of Norman Vincent Peale, Author The Power Of Positive Thinking
White Papers
While we’ve written a number of position papers, contributions to articles and discovery pieces, below are just a few of our most downloaded papers.
3 Simple Principles for thinking About innovation Training
Over the past decade, the we have been experimenting, failing, and pouring over the academic research to find the most reliable methods for transforming an organization’s culture to one that embraces and practices innovation.
What we’ve learned is that the transformation can be achieved with three simple principles in mind: autonomy for your employees to opt in, the opportunity to apply a new skill set and mindset, and a sense of belonging to something greater than a job or silo. But, what does that mean? Download the e-book and find out!
Authored by:
Maggie Pfeifer, VP of Education, Eureka! Ranch
Why Merwyn Simulated Test Marketing Helps You Make Smarter Business Development Decisions
Merwyn is a revolutionary approach to business development decision-making. However, the elements that drive success with Merwyn and the Marketplace, are ageless. To win, managers must develop bold, customer-driven concepts and communicate them with outstanding overtness, clarity and focus.
The purpose of this paper is to provide our rationale regarding the system’s pedigree and, more importantly, how it is that Merwyn can be more predictive of actual marketplace results than classic concept testing.
Co-Authored by:
Greg Lemmon, Statistician, Eureka! Ranch
Doug Hall, CEO/Founder, Innovation Engieneering Institute
Psychological Drivers of Business Technology Innovation
This academic article outlines, with empirical evidence, what drives innovation success. Thanks to years of measurement by the Eureka! Ranch and the Innovation Engineering Institute, the robust data set gives a unique and data-grounded peak into what really makes innovation take hold.
It concludes: The most significant drivers of innovation are the system for innovation and the clarity of a proactive strategy on the part of the company. Top management must proactively develop a system that encourages widespread participation in innovation and guides the direction toward it.
The purpose of this paper is to provide our rationale regarding the system’s pedigree and, more importantly, how it is that Merwyn can be more predictive of actual marketplace results than classic concept testing.
Co-Authored by:
Dr. Lynn Kahle, University of Oregon
Greg Lemmon, Statistician, Eureka! Ranch
Doug Hall, CEO/Founder, Innovation Engieneering Institute