work Faster, Smarter, Together.

We help established companies enable everyone, every day to proactively solve problems and build a culture of innovation
Start Your Innovation Journey

proud to work with
over 2,000 companies
across 22 countries

experience in Service New Product Distilled Spirits Manufacturing Food Service Healthcare Insurance Financial Membership Innovation

Why Eureka!

Eureka! Ranch was founded in 1986 with a commitment to turning innovation from an art into a science. Through training and consulting we’ve helped over 2,000 established companies transform their staff and systems to build a culture that proactively solves problems and innovates new opportunities.
Dive into a world where ideas thrive and transformations happen.



We guide the process of generating and selecting the best ideas, ensuring a robust innovation pipeline that’s proven to increase your odds of success by over 250%.

Innovations sessions powered by


We equip every level with the tools, training and mindset needed to foster continuous growth and problem solving.

PROACTIVE Problem Solving with

Innovation Fundamentals with

Innovation MASTERY with


We work alongside your organization to cultivate an innovation-driven culture, equipping every level with the tools, training and mindset needed to foster continuous growth and problem solving.

Sparking Fresh Thoughts. Grounded in Systems-Thinking.

Learn more about Innovation Engineering, our academically and industry validated proprietary system that transforms innovation into a science, providing the tools, curriculum, and structure necessary to generate successful ideas and elevate your odds of success by over 250%.



By the Numbers

Faster Implementation of Ideas

% Greater Chance of Idea Success

Times More Winning ideas

Media Stories - on or by us about Innovation

Industry Breakthroughs on Innovation Leadership and Systems

Books on Innovation

Eureka! Ranch approaches culture as a human system—a concert of interconnected parts whose sum is greater than their parts.

Mark Lerner

COO, GOJO Industries

You can gamble on business long shots. Or, you can apply Eureka!’s laws and double, even triple your odds of business success. The choice is yours.

Kip Knight

Former CMO, Taco Bell

Check out the new book BY Eureka! Ranch founder, Doug Hall – PROACTIVE Problem Solving.  available now.

“This is simply a brilliant book in its clarity, practical application, and easily digested examples. STOP STUPID START SMART is a simple yet powerful thought. A must read!”
—Ken Grier, Founder De-Still Creative Ltd.