Eureka! Professional Development

Mentorship Program

Mentorship programs within companies can be a wonderful thing. In fact, they often result in higher retention rates from happier, more productive employees.  But they are not without their faults. In order for them to be successful, you need mentors who are well trained, can relate to others, have time and make themselves available. In todays world, leaders have less time and availablity than ever and people are forced to switch companies in order to advance their careers.



  1. Mentoring can be like creating clones. Great for keeping the status quo, bad for innovation and can result in passing down outdated information and practices.
  2.  The people who need it most, are also the most likely to decline the opportunity.
  3. Mentors try to control people rather than teach them
  4. It just isn’t a good fit. Could be due to too many cultural or personality differences or simply because some people just don’t get along.
  5. While there is plenty of positive qualitative feedback from mentorship programs, they often lack quantitative results leaving ROI a mystery.


  1. We increase diversity by including group collaboration and expertise from outside your company.
  2. We fill each class equally with volunteers and people who need it most. Also, we aim for a cross-section of people from different departments and experience levels.
  3. Our mentors are teachers first, who focus on the development of new skills. Your leadership can set boundaries and constraints for projects, but each person has the authority to lead thier own project.
  4. Not getting along with your mentor, you can switch.  Because the mentors are not your boss, breaking up the relationship will not hurt your career.
  5. Each project has a quantified value to your company. This way you can see a direct ROI from the program.

How It Works

Get Started with Eureka! Professional Development Mentorships

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Choose a Schedule

Mentorships require a minimum of 6 months, but additional time can be added as needed. 

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Select a Mentor

Our mentors have trained over a thousand students in person, online, and at universities. Each person can work with the mentor that they feel most comfortable with.

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Achieve Greatness!

Each person will make a meaningful difference at their company as they apply what they learn to their professional role.

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Schedule a Free Meeting Today

Near Cincinnati? We would love to meet for coffee and get to know each other.
And for those of you not in our local area, virtual meetings work too. Pick a 15 minute time slot and bring your own coffee.  

Leadership and Innovation Skills

We want to develop a strong foundation for leadership and change into every person we mentor.  We teach different skillsets based on the person’s role in your company, so they get the most applicable training out of the relationship. 

Let’s Grow Together!

Together we can empower people to be innovative in their current and future roles within your company resulting in meaningful improvements to your overall culture and future growth.

(513) 271-9911