Innovation Workshops


Great for:  conferences, events and virtual teams



Work with a team to THINK on a collection of if/then scenarios:  IF…COVID 19 isn’t ending soon.  THEN…how should we reinvent ourselves?  IF…digital is here to stay. THEN…what should we start to develop?  End with an action planning session to make the ideas a reality.

“Your presentation at our Ocean Reef meeting exceeded expectations. I was especially impressed that you listened through the morning and tailored your presentation based on what you heard. Not everyone is that committed to results.

Karen Horrell,
Great American Insurance Group

 Engaging, Stimulating, Achievable & Repeatable.
Everybody can use these skills in daily life.

Ron Bilodeau
Hussey Seating Company



How-to Workshops are quick, easy, and always entertaining. You will not just learn more about innovation you will walk away with skills that you can begin applying immediately to your life & work. 



Do an activated learning journey with your team centered around our most recent book, Driving Eureka! This 9-module video series, paired with the book, takes your team through learn-and-do activities to apply the techniques in the book to your challenge.  


Innovation 101

Are you struggling with understanding what is an innovation or how to get start applying it?

During this workshop you will learn what is an innovation and how to get started now with innovation.

Strategy Activation

Does a lack of clear strategic priorities cause confusion? Wasted time and money?

In this workshop you will learn a quick and easy solution to finding group alignment and how to activate strategic priorities.

Meaningful Uniqueness

Do you come up with lots of ideas, but once they’re out there, have no idea how to know which ones are worthwhile?

In this workshop you will learn to distinguish the WOW from the lifeless, so you can get started on what matters most.

Concept Writing

Do you struggle to get others to buy in and support for your ideas?

Learn how to effectively communicate your ideas and persuade anyone to support you.

Plan, Do, Study, Act

Does fear of risk drive down your ideas until they’re just the same old same old?

Learn to quickly and cheaply validate your ideas to reduce risk and enable your BOLD and BRAVE ideas.

Systems Driven Innovation

94% of our problems are due to the systems we work within, 6% are due to the workers. Can you tell the difference at your organization?

Learn to understand the different systems you work with and how they impact performance, so you can get started improving them immediately!

Lead Facilitators

Lydia Carson

VP of Innovation Engineering Systems

Plan, Do, Study, Act Acceleration

Doug Hall

Founder, Innovator, Author, Whiskey Maker

Maggie Nichols


Maggie Pfeifer

VP of Education

Thinking Adventures


How long do you need to run the workshop?

The least amount of time is 60 minutes, but we love more. From 60 minutes to 2 days of content we’ve got you covered.

Is it possible for my audience to be too large or too small?

NO! We have run workshops for teams of 10 to over 500…in person and virtually.

Can you do virtual workshops?

Absolutely! We run virtual workshops in any timezone using any virtual platform you prefer – Zoom, Teams, etc.

Is your content customizable?

Yes, we are happy to work together to make the content speak to your audience. Even better we can take it one step further and offer a free innovation assessment of your audience in advance of the workshop that will allow us to customize the content to your audience’s innovation level, knowledge, and expertise.

Am I limited to the Workshop topic listed above?

NO! Email to set up a time to talk through exactly what you are looking for and how we can help.

Do you have Experience with my industry?

Our guess is YES, but don’t take our word for it – Click HERE for a complete list.

If you’d like to learn more about Innovation Engineering Workshops or plan a private program for your group, contact us and we’ll get back to you right away.