Jump Start Your Business Front End Innovation System
The only front end innovation system that enables teams to consistently deliver venture-level development proposals for new products and/or services with 250% higher odds of success
How It Works
Enable Your Team
To implement the Jump Start Your Business (JSYB) Front End Innovation (FEI) System, we start by conducting a 12 to 16 week “Wave.” It’s a customized combination of training, tools, and hands-on consulting that will enable your teams to build business opportunities that win.
Address a Strategic Challenge
Our innovation experts work with you to clearly define a strategic challenge, create and vet innovative ideas to address it, and accelerate a subset of ideas through a front-end discovery phase to a development decision. This phase forces teams to confront critical risks by experimenting to quickly learn and adapt/improve the idea or smartly abandon it early on – Fail Fast, Fail Cheap®.
Build Venture-Level Development Proposals
As projects progress, teams use our proprietary cloud-based Business Opportunity Recommendation (BOR) Builder to collaboratively develop custom investment grade proposals for their ideas. The proposal is much more than an elevator pitch or Business Model Canvas. It’s a robust document that delivers a top-level executive summary of the opportunity with documentation to support it. The BOR is adapted from the classic Procter & Gamble one-page memo with attachments providing all the information leaders need to confidently make a development decision.
Select Projects for Development
At the end of the Wave, no stressful gate review is required. Instead, teams present a BOR to a leadership team who helped customize the BOR and provided painless project feedback as part of the process. To help select which projects to invest in when resources are limited, we prepare a spider chart that illustrates how the projects compare on key metrics most important to your organization – as identified through a collaborative process guided by our BOR Builder.
Proceed with Development & Conduct Next Wave
When the Wave concludes, you have the option to either export the projects into your existing project management system, or you can continue using our fully customizable Innovation Project Management System to accelerate your projects through development to launch. This system, as well as the other world-class innovation tools used throughout the Wave, are available to you through a private JSYB Innovation Hub for a total of 12 months, so your teams can continue to accelerate the first Wave projects and/or run additional Waves.
Get real ROI on a strategic priority while implementing a repeatable, reliable FEI system!
The Jump Start Your Business® Front End Innovation System is based on the validated processes Eureka! Ranch has used for over 35 years to help 100s of companies – from Fortune 100 to small and mid-sized – in all types of industries successfully invent, vet, and launch breakthrough new products and services.
It’s powered by Innovation Engineering® – a proven methodology for innovation that blends the rigor, discipline, and fact-based decision-making of systems with the creative, strategic, and inspired art of big thinking.
(513) 618-4874
“It’s obvious that this system was built by an innovator. Which is rare. I’m not sure there’s another system out there that was built by people that have actually done this kind of thing in their lifetime. It’s obvious that there’s something really valuable here. It creates alignment in the organization almost automatically. It’s almost like magic.”
Mike Sirois, Chief Innovation Officer
High Liner Foods
“A rigorous, quantifiable process for inventing breakthrough ideas. Unlike many creative gurus in the corporate marketplace, Doug Hall makes it imperative that his innovation systems are quantified every step of the way. A University of Oklahoma study found that the stimulus method cranked out more than 1,000 percent more new ideas than traditional brainstorming methods and generated 558 percent more quality ideas; that is, ideas with above average marketplace potential.”
Todd Datz, Features Editor
CIO Magazine
“The program helped us get focused, so rather than just constantly talking about 20 products we’d like to make, we’re actually taking 3 products to market.”
Richard Powell, General Manager
Brunson Instruments
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