Innovation Workshops

Lets do new together

Enable New at your organization

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Even the most conservative and risk-averse organizations can be stretched
to think of out-of-the-box solutions that pave the way for a brighter future.

Doing NEW

We’ve all heard that change is hard. Especially in established organizations where there is already a set way of working.
But it is not impossible. 
We believe every organization can change and do new things that are meaningful. 


Teams today have an attitude of divide and conquer to get the work done rather than collaborate and work together to build the best solution. To do meaningful work that is new, we need to work together. This requires breaking down silos to bring different people together internally and leveraging diversity by bringing in experts from outside your organization. 

What We Believe


Meaningful Uniqueness

Doug Hall said,
“If you’re not unique you better be cheap.”

Doing new things that make a difference is essential for continuous success of an organization. 

Data Grounded

Edwards Deming said
“In God we trust, all others must bring data”
Experimentation and data are key to our success in improving systems for creativity, marketing, and product development.

Nothing is Impossible

“We know we can figure it out, but we don’t know how many cycles it will take to get there” Our optimism and confidence is built on a solid foundation of having a system that allows for learning and change.

About Us

Eureka! Ranch was founded more than 35 years ago by Doug Hall.  Doug was at P&G and got a record number of innovations shipped in a short period of time with a tiny staff and budget (9 products in 12 months with a  team of 3).  He did this by using a systems approach because of his knowledge of the work of Dr. W. Edwards Deming, the inspiration for Lean, Total Quality and Six Sigma.

Doug left P&G and founded Eureka! Ranch and started helping large companies like Nike, American Express, and Disney create big, disruptive ideas, which it continues to do today.

By the early 2000s, it became clear that some companies did not have the systems in place to commercialize the disruptive ideas Eureka! Ranch helped create.  They would either compromise the ideas (to pass Stage-Gate milestones) or even kill them due to fear of change.

That experience inspired a sabbatical at the University of Maine and the creation of a new field of study, Innovation Engineering®.  It includes 48 skills or competencies for creating, communicating, and commercializing meaningfully unique ideas and system driven leadership skills that help innovation leaders implement the system company-wide.  It teaches people to create disruptive ideas like we do (not guru, it’s a system), but also teaches them what to do next – all the way to market/implementation.

We found that the preacher teacher approach (lecture then test) did not work, and results varied professor to professor. That’s when we developed the patent-pending Cycles to Mastery® teaching method.  In our certification programs, these are submitted to a human grader who provides feedback.  Students adjust and submit till approved.  No test needed.  That’s what we mean by Cycles to Mastery.

On campus the courses are taught under the “Innovation Engineering” brand.  For consumers and businesses, it’s available as professional development under the Jump Start Your Brain® (JSYB) brand.  We’re making it easier for everyone across the company from the front lines to CEO to learn and apply innovation skills.  We have 100s of micro-lessons, tools, badge courses, and certifications that can be customized and plugged into an LMS or accessed through our platform.

Today the Ranch is led by CEO, Maggie Nichols, and a strong cadre of innovators, engineers, educators, and programmers, with founder, Doug Hall, remaining actively engaged as CIO and on special projects.  We help organizations in 3 ways: 1) building their innovation pipeline, 2) improving their innovation process, and 3) training their people to think more innovatively.  We work with large multinationals, non-profits, and small and mid-size companies around the  globe to help them think & act smarter, faster & more innovatively.

The Eureka! Guarantee

We are confident in our system’s ability to deliver results. When working together, if the objective is not yet met, we work for free until it is.

Maggie Nichols, Eureka! Ranch CEO

Get In Touch

Eureka Inventing
We help established organizations, whether small or large multi-national. Which best describes your organization? *

3849 Edwards Road
Cincinnati, OH 45244