Chapter 11

Merwyn Rapid Research Subsystem


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Written & Read By

Doug Hall

Apply the learning from the book to your innovation challenge and business right now!

The Driving Eureka! Video Workbook is a companion to Driving Eureka!, Problem-Solving with Data-Driven Methods & the Innovation Engineering System. This video workbook will bring to the book to life and take you step-by-step, applying the new learning to your real work challenges.

It’s incredibly simple, focused, and easy to incorporate into your day.

    Chapter Excerpt

    Before We Begin – An Explanation

    I must admit that, as the founder of the Innovation Engineering movement, I have used my position to name the research subsystem after my father Merwyn Bradford Hall. I did this because, without his insistence that I learn Dr. Deming’s principles, there would be no Innovation Engineering movement. I also did it because of my appreciation for what he did for me. My appreciation for what he taught me about life and business grows as I age.

    I chose research to honor my dad because research and enabling frontline employees to do the research themselves was very important to him. In a keynote speech he gave in 1981, he explained the importance of enabling workers.

    All through our plant, we have eliminated quality control technicians. The operators do all of the testing and charting. By giving the tools to the workers, they get it right themselves instead of checking the product at the end of the process.

    —Merwyn Bradford Hall

    So that’s where the name came from. You are welcome to use it in his memory—or simply call this subsystem Rapid Research. So with a toast to my dad, of 18-year Macallan whiskey, his favorite, we begin.

    Past & Future Chapters


    Table of Contents


    Chapter 12

    Patent ROI Subsystem

    Chapter 13

    How to Create an Innovation Culture