Innovation Systems • staff psychology • org design
innovative CULTURES
Everyone says they WANT a culture of innovation, but HOW do you go beyond rhetoric and intention and actually make it happen?
Creating a culture and capability of innovation across an organization takes more than just empowerment, inspiring speakers, or the desire to innovate.
In order to create a culture, you need to build it into the framework of how you work and make it possible, practical, and easy for everyone to innovate everywhere and in everything they do.
Chief Operating Officer, Mark Lerner – GOJO Industries, Makers of Purell
the systems + psychology of an innovative culture
When it comes to building a culture of innovation, it’s more than just deploying a process or declaring to staff, “Be more innovative!” We find it requires a careful crafting of Systems Design, Change Management and Organizational Design.
And when it’s all powered by training, coaching and hands on innovating to build the momentum needed for change – then you get the double bonus of developing killer innovations while your organization evolves.
What Does an Innovative Culture Look Like?
8x More Innovations
Meaningfully Unique Innovations created.
We approach culture as a human system – a concert of interconnected parts whose sum is greater than their parts. Organizations that we’ve helped have the following “indicators” that their culture is on an innvative path.
80% Less Risk
Risk when making significant investments on innovation.
3x More Engagement
Growth in Optimism, Courage & Employee Engagement.
10x More Successful Transitions
Successes making the handoff from a concept to development.
6x Faster Commercialization
Speed going from idea to commercialization.

Since 1986 we’ve been fortunate to work with some of the world’s best and brightest organizations in innovation. Sure, we’ve invented thousands of ideas, but we also used each engagement as an living laboratory – doing R&D on what works and what doesn’t. Not what works in theory. What works in the real-world…in high pressure situations…when the results of the session could mean a factory staying open, a company keeping it’s doors open, an avoidance of layoffs. In fact, thanks to that work we wrote a white paper that debunked a common myth – that fun is “fundamental” to innovation and creativty.
Over the last 30 years, Eureka! Ranch – with a team of PhDs, CEOs, and innovation experts – has been on a quest to gather and analyze quantitative data on innovation systems. Our efforts are powered by the largest quantitative database on innovation system inputs and outputs in the world.
Data was gathered during real world projects with the best of the best: Walt Disney, Nike, Procter & Gamble, AT&T, Schlumberger, Hewlett Packard, and hundreds of others whose names are not as familiar.
And every day the data continues to grow. It currently includes customer data and sales forecasts involving 20,000+ innovations, 100,000+ leaders, and over $17 billion worth of innovation projects in active development. The result was the creation of Innovation Engineering, a new field of academic study and leadership science dedicated to enabling a culture of innovation resulting in increased speed (up to 6X) and success rates (up to 10X).
Words From a few of Our Clients
from culture on a team to culture at a company
Building an innovative culture in an organization can happen across the whole or even within teams. If you have a “sphere of influence” then you have the ability to build a culture of innovation.
These videos give you a sense of what you can expect from a culture of innovation.
Of note: They’ll refer to “Innovation Engineering” and the “Challenge Programme.” Both refer to our innovation system – applied in organizations large and small and across the globe.
Let’s Start Something new.
While the building blocks are similar, all of our culture engagements are custom-built so that they fit perfectly to get you from where you are to where you want to be.
But they do all start in the same place – doing a complimentary interactive systems and psychology audit to assess your current culture.
Every Complimentary Systems and Psychology Audit includes:
Human-Centered System Mapping
Identifying the aim, capabilities and boundaries of your current internal systems and the positive and negative psychology they create.
Culture & capability benchmark
Leveraging our database of measures on over 100,000 leaders and employees, we’ll benchmark your team on the critical innovation culture success factors.
Contact us to schedule an Innovation Systems & Psychology Audit or just chat to explore how you can improve your innovation culture to grow.