Chapter 5

LEARNING MINDSET: The Three Innovation Principles


Next Chapter

Written & Read By

Doug Hall

Apply the learning from the book to your innovation challenge and business right now!

The Driving Eureka! Video Workbook is a companion to Driving Eureka!, Problem-Solving with Data-Driven Methods & the Innovation Engineering System. This video workbook will bring to the book to life and take you step-by-step, applying the new learning to your real work challenges.

It’s incredibly simple, focused, and easy to incorporate into your day.

    Chapter Excerpt

    Innovation requires a learning mindset. You can’t create a new idea without learning. When learning is a priority, you have hope, along with faith in the future. A learning mindset is engaged 24-7 in seeking out new stimuli and diversity of thinking.

    Learning and its cousin, curiosity, are the fuel that enables innovators to never give up. The personal motto of Admiral Robert Peary, the first person to reach the North Pole, was a quote from the Roman philosopher Seneca: “Inveniam viam aut faciam”—Latin for “I shall find a way or make one.” Peary made a way by inventing new systems for arctic travel. He pioneered new cooking systems, relay supply systems, dog sledding systems, and management systems. He achieved his North Pole mission through a commitment to never-ending learning.

    Past & Future Chapters


    Table of Contents


    Chapter 6

    LEARNING MINDSET: Create System

    Chapter 7

    LEARNING MINDSET: Communicate System