Rapid Research
Test 24 ideas
in 24 hours
Our Concept Testing Service will tell you which ideas have the best odds of success and what type of customer is most likely to purchase each idea in just 24 hours.
what you’LL get
We design the survey(s) based on your ideas and collect 100 responses.
Your report starts generating the moment the first customer completes a survey.

Purchase Intent and Uniqueness Scores
Responders will rate each idea’s uniqueness and how likely they are to purchase it.
So you’ll know if your ideas are meaningfully unique or not.
Demographics to Understand Who Liked Each Idea Most
Learn which customers liked each idea most.
That way you can focus your sales efforts on connecting with the people most likely to buy.

The Ability to Dive Deeper
Most research reports are static. So it’s hard to “slice and dice” the information so you can learn more. Our dynamic platform lets you re-run the reports based on demographics, interest, idea ranking and many other factors.

Answers in 24 Hours - or less!
Most research is fielded in in less than 24 hours. You just provide the ideas to test and answer a few questions.

Expert Support
Each report includes 2 30-minute sessions with Greg Lemmon, our lead statistician and researcher. He’ll meet with you at the start to help set up your study and again at the end to help interpret the results and answer questions.
What kind of ideas are best to test?
New Business
SERVICE Case Study:
Speedee oil change
Speedee prides themselves on great service, but in a sea of “oil change places” how could they stand out?
The inspiration: What if do a marketing campaign that shines a light on our trustworthiness, letting customers see it for themselves.
The Marketing Idea: The Total Trust Gaurantee™
We guarantee you’ll be able to view services being performed on your vehicle through lobby video monitors, a lobby window looking into the bays, open bay doors, or via a photograph validating the service or repair. If we fail, your next oil change is complimentary. That’s the SpeeDee Total Trust Guarantee.™
Using our research they learned the Total Trust Guarantee was a winner with customers and they used it to craft the rest of their creative, including the commercial below.
PRODUCT Case Study:
Brain Brew whiskey
gBrain Brew is a custom whisk(e)y company. They have a revolutionary process that lets people (businesses, consumers, bartenders, etc.) make their own custom bourbon by the bottle. They also do contract R&D and production in volume and have their own direct-to-consumer products.
Much of their history and what makes their process unique is steeped in science and smarter systems. But that process is also very different because it allows the wood taste to shine through – which is the biggest driver of the flavor in whiskey.
With the technology to create thousands of different whiskeys they needed to learn which ideas customers find both meaningful and unique. These are the ideas that will stand out from the rest and drive sales.
In addition to gauging each idea’s meaningful uniqueness they learned:
- What combination of products get the most customers to purchase
- What ideas score better with respondents who buy more whiskey?
- What ideas are more likely to persuade new customers?
- What ideas score better with younger/older respondents?
- What ideas work as a premium offering?
- How to best communicate a custom offering?
- How did different markets (countries) score ideas differently?
The results is a collection of products that each do well with a particular customer or purpose.

How it works
Create Your Concept Boards
You don’t need graphic expertise or a copy writer to do this! Just a PowerPoint slide is perfect!
All you need is a description for each of your ideas. If you have an image to go with it and a price, include those too.
We’ll provide a few examples and a template for you to use if you need.
Get Your Ideas Tested
In an upfront 30-minute set up call we’ll talk to you to understand your ideal target market so we make sure to include them in the study set.
We’ll then field your study in sets of surveys with an online panel of 100 people.
Review your Results
You’ll be given a link to see your entire survey. As soon as the first customers start to answer the survey, your dynamic report will generate.
Typically, once a survey starts it takes less than 2 hours to get 100 responses! You can immediately see the report.
We’ll schedule a follow up 30 minute call to walk through your results and any questions you have.
Words From a few of Our Clients
WE’VE enjoyed WORKING WITH OVER 100 TEAMS. Below are just a few.
5 out of 6 concepts we tested on with Eureka! achieved top quintile NEILSEN scores – and one of the concepts set a new high for our company.
Eureka! has brought much needed discipline to our concept development. They greatly enhance our probability of developing highly successful new products. Using their research tools makes it feel as if we are cheating!
have you tested ideas in my category?
Chances are, yes.
Since 1986 we’ve been working with companies inventing and testing new ideas. We’ve tested over 25,000 ideas for over 15,000 teams. Below is a partial list of the categories we’ve worked in.
Adult Body Cleansers
Adult Candy
Adult Education Services
Adult Skin Care
Air Filters
Allergy Care Products
Auto Emergency Products
Baby Feeding Systems
Baby Skin Care
Barbecue Sauces
Beef Products
Beer Products
Beer Positioning
Beer Packaging Concepts
Bike Tours
Board Games
Boats and Boat Retailing
Bottled Coffee & Teas
Boxed Chocolates
Burial Caskets
Business Communications
Candies & Confectionary
Car Care Products
Carbonated Soft Drinks
Cat Foods, Snacks, Treats
Charity Fundraising
Children’s Hair Care
Cold and Cough Products
Cold Cereals
Concept Car Interiors
Concept Cars
Construction Info. Services
Construction Toys
Consumer Packaged Goods
Cooking Oils
Corporate Financing
Corporate Partnerships
Creative Services
Credit Card Services
Cremation Urns
Custom Cabinets
Customer Service
Database Design
Decorative Tile
Desktop Computers
Direct Marketing
Dog Foods, Snacks
Drink Mixes and Spirits
Educational Toys
Electric Utility Services
Engine Oil Additives
Enrollment Programs
Expandable Foam
Eye Care
Fabric Treatments
Facial Cleansers
Facial Moisturizers
Fast Food Menu Items
Fast Food Systems
Feminine Products
Financial Management
Financial Services
Fine Arts Services
Food Preparation Aids
Food Quality Diagnostics
Food Service Products
Food Service Promotions
Food Storage Bags
Foot Care Products
Frozen Entrees
Frozen Vegetables
Fruit Beverages
Fruit Juices
Functional Foods
Functional Paint Products
Gardening Products
Gourmet Breads
Gourmet Coffee
Gov’t. Budgeting
Gov’t. Services
Ground Coffee
Hand Soap
Health Beverages
Healthy Snacks
Herbal Medicines
Herbal Teas
Home Appliances
Home Security
Hot Cereals
Household Cleansers
Industrial Locks
Information Services
Insect Repellents
Instant Coffee
International Business
International Marketing
Internet Services
InvestingInvestment Services
Kids Candy
Kids Cereals
Kids Soaps/Shampoos
Kids Toys
Landscaping Products
Laptop Computers
Laundry Soap
Library Science
Life Insurance
Locks/Security Systems
Long Distance Phone
Ice Cream and Deserts
Lunch Meats
Medical Info Systems
Memorial Products
Microbrew Beer
Mufflers (OEM & AM)
New Adult Beverages
New Age Beverages
New Breakfast Foods
New Cars
New Trucks and S.U.V.’s
Nutritional Supplements
O.T.C. Drugs
Off Season Sales Efforts
Online Advertising
Online Banking Services
Online Barter Services
Online Postage Services
Online Security Systems
Paper & Pulp Processing
Paper Cups, Plates
Pay Phones/Systems
Peanuts and Peanut Butter
Personal Grooming
Pest Control
Pet Foods
Photographic Equipment
Playground Equipment
Pork Products
Q-Z listed on EurekaRanch.com
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