Eureka! Ranch and Brain Brew Custom Whiskey Co-Present
One Day Workshop of LEARNING & BOURBON Inventing on System Driven Innovation.
IT’s The MOST VALUABLE & CRAZY FUN Innovation Workshop EVER

Learn in the AM
The ART & SCIENCE of System Driven Innovation Success INCREASE Speed up to 5x Decrease Risk by up to 80%
Enabling Everyone to be able to think Smarter, Faster and More Innovatively
As You Invent A Craft BOURBON Business* * Or Non-Alcoholic Brand
– Eureka! Ranch TOOLS ACCELERATE the Experience
– INVENT your BOURBON Product – in about 45 minutes
– DESIGN your PACKAGE – in about 45 minutes
– RESEARCH your BUSINESS – in about an 45 minutes
Unlike other innovation programs that are based on legends and stories – the Driving Eureka! Experience is based on statistical analysis of
Dollars in Active Innovation Projects
Driving Eureka! Schedule
Driving Eureka!
Classic Workshop Schedule
Easily Modified to Fit Your Timing
8:00 am
System Pedigree
Overview on System Driven Innovation – Academic Pedigree, Industry Pedigree and Interactive Demo on System Thinking itself. How it easily integrates with existing methods of design thinking, lean, six sigma and total quality.

9:00 am
Create System
Learn a step by step system for THINKING Smarter, Faster & More Innovatively on new ideas, problem solving, products, services and operational systems.

10:00 am
Communicate System
Learn systems for Sorting, Selecting, Defining and Refining good ideas into great big WOW ideas.

11:00 am
Commercialize System
Learn a validated system for increasing your speed to market up to 6X while decreasing risk by you to 80%.

12:00 pm
Food Provided
AFTERNOON – Feel & Taste
Bourbon Invention
Where you work in teams of 2 or 3 teams to invent a new Bourbon Business
Or if you PREFER – a new NON-Alcoholic Spirit Business
1:00 PM
Create Session
You experience and apply Mind Opening SPARK DECKS™, Data Validated Methods and Tools for Thinking more INNOVATIVELY About what your Bourbon Business will be.

2:00 PM
Bourbon Invention Lab
You use the professional system whiskey makers use to invent products

2:45 PM
Packaging Invention Lab
You will use the world’s fastest package invention system to create a first prototype of your package design and concept.

3:30 PM
Pivot with Cycles of Learning
You will experience the REAL WORLD of craft products as you pivot, adapt and change your idea to make all of the parts work together as a profitable, bourbon business.

4:00 PM
Moment of Truth
Consumer Testing
Your top idea – and a spare will use the Eureka! Ranch’s Rapid Test system to get quantitative results on your idea.

5:00 PM
Pitch Time For Your
Bourbon Business
You pitch your idea to Master Whiskey Makers – your unique customer segment, brand, product, package and marketing ideas.

6:00 PM
Award Ceremony
Awards will go to – Best Overall – Best Product, Best Package and Highest Consumer Research Score – plus some fun awards to the most outrageous, bravest, etc!

Driving Eureka!
Author & Instructor
Driving Eureka! Is lead by Doug Hall founder of the
Eureka! Ranch and Brain Brew Custom WHISKeY
AUTHOR: He’s a best selling author – of Driving Eureka! Book the program is based on, 6 other books one of which (Jump Start Your Business Brain) has been named one of the 100 best business books of all time.
PROFESSIONAL INVENTOR: Doug has been named by Inc, Wall Street Journal and Dateline NBC as one of America’s top inventors. Over the past 40 years, he’s invented big ideas for companies ranging from Walt Disney to Nike to Procter & Gamble and hundreds more.
PIONEER in INNOVATION SYSTEMS: Doug is the founder of the System Driven Innovation field of Academic study and leadership science known as Innovation Engineering. For his pioneering work in applying system thinking to innovation, Doug has received two honorary doctorates (Doctor of Laws and Doctor of Engineering).
ENTERTAINER: Doug is also a high energy and fun business entertainer. He’s created and performed in a Stage Play, starred in two network tv-series and a national radio show.
Get in Touch
Just drop us you name and email address and we’ll get back to you asap to talk through ideas and options for your group.