Helping Companies Innovate
We use a validated process to help your company innovate just like how we’ve helped 100s of other companies innovate over the past 35 years.

Never Ending Improvement
We are professional innovators with experience and expertise in innovation systems and creating, communicating, and commercializing radical ideas.
But even with our pedigree, we continue to learn and improve how we innovate and educate others. No matter how you get started, we will enable your team members to be proactive problem solvers and your company to be more successful with innovation.
Create radical innovations that proactively lead your marketplace.
Validated Innovation Systems
About Eureka! Ranch
Eureka! Ranch was founded more than 35 years ago by Doug Hall. Doug was at P&G and got a record number of innovations shipped in a short period of time with a tiny staff and budget (9 products in 12 months with a team of 3).
Doug left P&G and founded Eureka! Ranch and started helping large companies like Nike, American Express, and Disney create big, disruptive ideas.
Today the Ranch is led by CEO, Maggie Nichols, and a strong cadre of innovators, engineers, educators, and programmers, with founder, Doug Hall, remaining actively engaged as CIO and on special projects.
We help organizations in 3 ways:
1) building their innovation pipeline,
2) improving their innovation process, and
3) training their people to think more innovatively.

Ideas Invented and Tested
People Trained and Certified
How It Works
Project Acceleration
Radical innovations rarely reach the marketplace and have success rates worse than slot machines. Our innovation system not only gets radical innovations commercialized but with less risk. Applied to more incremental ideas and companies are seeing project speeds 6x faster than before.
Training People
Innovation Engineering Training is about enabling people to take action on ideas by providing them the education, tools, and process they need to turn their ideas into reality.
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Answer a few questions so we can better help you and in return get access to the Driving Eureka! Audio Book about System Driven Innovation that enables you and everyone on your team to work smarter, faster, and more creatively. It transforms innovation from a random act to a reliable science.
3849 Edwards Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45244
(513) 271-9911
For Individuals
Training Courses
Software & Tools
For Companies
Inventing Sessions
Project Management and Acceleration
Innovation Learning Management System