Invent Actionable Solutions

Get Actionable Solutions for Your Biggest Innovation Challenges 

The Eureka! Ranch  Has Helped Companies Invent Wow Ideas and Pivot Faster with Innovation for over 30 Years


Every organization is different and we customize our services to solve your problems. Answer a quick assessment and we will send you an automated recommendation based on similar companies we’ve helped in the past.


More Ideas for New Products & Services

Reinvent Operations & Systems

Innovation Strategy, Mission and Alignment

Individualized Education & Applied Training


A Plan With Purpose

A clear objective and boundaries are set in advance of the session. This allows us to explore and invent while still working towards our mission.

Deep Mining for Stimulus

The key to our success is investing time & energy into finding disruptive stimulus before the start of the session. This stimulus is used to spark ideas during the session.  

Diversity of Thinking

Through individual, paired & group exercises we leverage the diversity of your team and ours to build off each other’s ideas and challenge each other’s thinking.

Technology That Enables

Private project portal that enables the team to virtually work together to capture ideas and provide positive & constructive feedback.

Education That is Applied

We don’t teach  theory. We teach you how to innovate and give you systems to apply what you learn to your business.

Generating New Ideas & Ways to Solve
Big & Small Problems


Using our online system for capturing ideas, teams  on average capture 100 – 200 ideas over the duration of an inventing session. 


Using our patented market research tools, we test ideas after each day of inventing. This gives the team fast feedback on which ideas have potential and immediately sparks ideas for making them better.


As the team works together to create solutions that they couldn’t have imagined before there is a shift in their energy and optimism that impacts their current & future work.




Complete the 8 Question assessment about your innovation problems.

About Us

Eureka! Ranch was founded more than 35 years ago by Doug Hall. Doug was at P&G and got a record number of innovations shipped in a short period of time with a tiny staff and budget (9 products in 12 months with a team of 3). He did this by using a systems approach because of his knowledge of the work of Dr. W. Edwards Deming, the inspiration for Lean, Total Quality and Six Sigma.

Doug left P&G and founded Eureka! Ranch and started helping large companies like Nike, American Express, and Disney create big, disruptive ideas, which it continues to do today.

By the early 2000s, it became clear that some companies did not have the systems in place to commercialize the disruptive ideas Eureka! Ranch helped create. They would either compromise the ideas (to pass Stage-Gate milestones) or even kill them due to fear of change.

That experience inspired a sabbatical at the University of Maine and the creation of a new field of study, Innovation Engineering®. It includes 48 skills or competencies for creating, communicating, and commercializing meaningfully unique ideas and system driven leadership skills that help innovation leaders implement the system company-wide. It teaches people to create disruptive ideas like we do (not guru, it’s a system), but also teaches them what to do next – all the way to market/implementation.

Today the Ranch is led by CEO, Maggie Nichols, and a strong cadre of innovators, engineers, educators, and programmers, with founder, Doug Hall, remaining actively engaged as CIO and on special projects. We help organizations in 3 ways: 1) building their innovation pipeline, 2) improving their innovation process, and 3) training their people to think more innovatively. We work with large multinationals, non-profits, and small and mid-size companies around the globe to help them think & act smarter, faster & more innovatively.

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